Sunday, July 27, 2008

who's the cutest baby of them all?

man are they cute at 1? or what!
ian is 15 months old now
and he started walking last month.  cool!!

so he's been practicing that a lot and its so fun to watch him because at this age when he learns something new he doesn't concentrate on it like older kids and adults do. he just tries it out while playing. like he's trying to walk but then he also wants to grab something or kick a ball or throw himself on the couch or something else silly. its cute!

He's also signing a lot now too.  
Every morning when he wakes up his daddy has already left for work so he looks in the hallway and says and signs "dada" and then does the sign for work.  He does the sign for G.G. (G.G. stands for Great Grandma! and i use the sign for the letter G and shake it twice which is also the sign for green and G.G. loves everything green! so its the perfect sign for her) and he does the sign for tree all the time and leaf and we learned some new food signs from watching SigningTime.  He easily picked up the signs for lettuce (hit your head on the side with you palm) and will actually eat it now that he can sign it, and the same for carrot.  He wont eat more than a taste of them but thats all I can hope for at this stage.  He does the sign for grapes really well too and strawberry, pear, apple, cheese, and water!  Oh Water!! Water is the most frequently used sign and he signs it whenever possible.  When he hears it from sprinklers or the shower or sink, and when he sees it from the hose or rain or puddle or in a book! or when he wants some to drink or he sees us drinking it.  Rain is fun because he signs rain & water.  And he's SO CUTE with the signing! he gets so excited to communicate it with us that he'll drop everything in his hands to do the sign for it.  With signing he can talk in sentences too. Yesterday Ryan was playing guitar for ian in the other room and ian came running out into the livingroom to tell me with speech & signs "DADA! GAAH! DADA GAAH!!!" and signed Daddy and Guitar!  he lllllloooooovvvvveeessss the guitar!

Yep, 1 is fun!

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