Actually my real inspiration to just go ahead and put it out there no matter who thinks how I'm raising my kids is just not the way they'd do it, was watching them make-over Blossom's Myaim Bialik on What Not To Wear I realized that its not just me thats like this about parenting and becoming a mother. There are a ton of people, even non-people Hollywood people, that are down to earth and really really into being a Mommy (you can tell that they are really trying to invest in it and think it through instead of just reacting and going along with popular advice) and there are these other moms who also wont put up with things getting in the way of being absorbed in being a mom. In a nutshell she's a breastfeeding slinging baby wearing regular mom who is really there for her baby and didnt want to buy anything that would interfere with nursing! (oh and um hi she already has a PhD in Neuro Science so she's no dummy). She was talking about how its a lot of work just to get herself actually OUT of the house as a mommy with kids (thank you!) and really was just saying "I am a Mom and thats what my life needs to work around" instead of the tack on at the end... "oh I'm this this this oh and I'm a mom."
I'm super passionate about this since it pretty much engulfs a persons life to become a parent and to act otherwise and tell people how everyone needs to be independent of each other, baby included, is so rediculous and makes parents frustrated with unreasonable expectations of their children being born acting like independent adults because why would they actually act like babies and 2 year olds?!
So anyways I'm back. I want to continue what I started and just put out the information I'm learning and all the research I'm doing to make the decisions I'm making and see if it helps anyone along the way (besides me). And because I just really need to get this out there since its so powerful what we do as mommies by being responsible for creating the environment that will directly affect how a person is going to grow to become and its important to sit back and face that.